Wayang Kulit Banyumas

5:04 PM

It is a kind of traditional performance show which has contest with banyumas culture. Character which is served in this show isn't quite different with the purwo pupet which repos on mahabharata and ramayana story. The specification of Banyumas puppet is on way of the performance which is infruenced by the culture of Banyumas. In thise, the way of Banyumas people is agry culture.

Location Favorit

8:35 PM

Grebeg Suran Procession

12:49 AM

The procession is annually held on tuesday / friday kliwon in Sura month of Javanese calender due to gods mercy that give many things.
The procession starts from wanawisata to the grave of Baturaden, preceded by parade of "Robyong" consist of cassava, paddies, corn, multi colors tumpeng (a cone boiled rice) and many local arts perform.

12:46 AM

The Puppet museum located in Banyumas sub district and keeps many collection puppet and collected many ancient thing.